Autism Clinic

Autism Clinic

The initial evaluation provides the clinician with the information needed to recommend the most appropriate treatment. Once the nature of your problems is understood, a treatment plan will likely be recommended. We encourage you to discuss anyquestions or concerns you may have about the treatment that is recommended for you.

Stage I:

Comprehensive Assessment by Autisim Specialist.

Stage II:
Psychiatric Assessment by a Child, Adolescent , or Adult Psychiatrist experienced with Autism.

Stage III:
Behavioral Assessment and ongoing treatment provided by licensed therapist.

Within any stage of the assessment, Advocacy is provided for the patient in home, school, work, and
community setting. Support given to assist with obtaining SSA benefits, Social Services, community support and assistance. Sexual Assessments are also available.

Sensory needs assessed for:

          • Adults - Long term life planning
          • Children/Adolescents - Educational needs


Specializes in Child & Adolescent Counseling, Adult Counseling, Parent and Family Mediation, Mood Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders,
Intellectual Disability, Anxiety Disorders and Management, Court Custody Evaluations, Developmental Disabilities, Pre & Post Adoption & Foster Children
Case Management Services and Parent Education Classes.

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